Saturday, April 26, 2008


143 years ago John Wilkes Booth was gunned down in a Virginia tabocco barn. Meanwhile, Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston surrendered what was left of his army to William T. Sherman. Everyone remembers Robert E. Lee's final orders to his army but few recall Johnston's final orders. His final commands were just as heart felt as Lee.

"COMRADES: . . . I earnestly exhort you to observe faithfully the terms of pacification agreed upon; and to discharge the obligations of good and peaceful citizens, as well as you have performed the duties of thorough soldiers in the field. By such a course, you will best secure the comfort of your families and kindred, and restore tranquillity to our country."

General Joseph E. Johnston
General Order No. 22

More offical information on the surrender of the Confederate Army of Tennessee can be found at:

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