Sunday, November 23, 2008

JFK, the Gettysburg Address, my birthday and Stonewall Jackson

Tommorrow is my birthday so Happy Birthday to me. Yesterday was the 45th anniverisary of JFK's murder so "Happy John F. Kennedy Assassination Day". November 19was 145th anniversary of Gettysburg Address so Happy belated Gettysburg Address day. I love November!!

Anyway, I wanted to share a famous quote to my readers because it is good to revisit things like this. After the Battle of First Bull Run General Thomas J. Jackson made sure to give credit where credit was due which foreshadowed his ability to give his men the credit fo any of his victories. Jackson wrote in his battle report:

"My preservation was entirely due, as was the glorious victory, to our God, to whom be all the honor, praise and glory. The battle was the hardest that I have ever been in, but not near so hot in its fire. I commanded the centre more particularly, though one of my regiments extended to the right for some distance. There were other commanders on my right and left. Whilst great credit is due to other parts of our gallant army, God made my brigade more instrumental than any other in repulsing the main attack. This is for your information only, say nothing about it. Let others speak praise, not myself."

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